You will find here on this page a list of the recent sites we have produced or those we maintain. We have put between square brackets tags listing either the technologies being used for each site or the extent of our contribution.
- Université de Montréal Marguerite d’Youville Research Chair on Humanistic Nursing Interventions
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - accessibility ]
A website for a research Chair in nursing
- Citoyen Maisonneuve
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A website to put forward the actions made by the Collège in his community
- NSERC Canadian Robotics Network
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A website to promote a Canadian robotics network
- Les albums plurilingues dÉlodil
- [ static microsite - React - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A web application to enable young kids to access French-language children's literature albums, translated into several languages.
- ITHQ Admission
- [ static microsite - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A microsite to support a student enrollement campaign at ITHQ.
- Montreal in space
- [ static microsite - CSS - responsive Web design - digital signage ]
Digital signage supporting a travelling exhibit.
- ICRA 2019
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A website to promote an international robotics conference.
- Galerie Go Art
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - newsletter ]
An online art gallery with affordable artwork.
- ITHQ 50 ans
- [ static microsite - CSS - responsive Web design ]
A micrositeto promote ITHQ's 50th anniversary.
- The Museums of Quebec
- [ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - custom search engine - newsletter ]
THE reference for museums in Quebec.
- Circuit historique et architectural de Vaudreuil-Dorion
[ content management system - graphic design - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript ] Responsive site to discover Vaudreuil-Dorion's heritage and architecture.
- Research Chair in Nursing Care for Older People and their Families
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - videos - newsletter ] Responsive site for a small research center in nursing.
- UdeM Nouvelles
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - faceted search engine - newsletter ] A large news site.
- Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - newsletter ] A multisites Web presence.
- Société des musées du Québec
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - newsletter ] An information portal for museum professionals.
- Centre d'étude des procédés chimiques du Québec
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - accessibility ] A site for a research centre on chemical processes.
- Institut de recherche sur l'intégration professionnelle des immigrants
[ content management system - CSS - responsive Web design - JavaScript - accessibility ] A site for a research centre on professional integration of immigrants.
- Research Chair in Innovative Nursing Practices
[ content management system - CSS ] Site to promote the work of a research chair.
- UdeM Libraries annual report
[ CSS - JavaScript
- responsive Web design - single page site ] Single page Web Site to present an online annual report with pizzaz.
- Kinesiology Clinic
[ CSS - JavaScript
- graphic design - content management system - electronic catalog ] Web Site to promote the Clinic and register online to fitness tests for hiring.
- Bourlamaque mining village
[ XML - CSS - JavaScript
- Phonegap ] Museum mediation tool with an audio reader and text transcriptions.
[ PHP - CSS - JavaScript
- graphic design - responsive Web design ]
A site with a series of preprogrammed spreadsheets to make life easier
to entrepreneurs and individuals in Quebec.
- SMQ's Museum Routes
- JavaScript - responsive Web design ] Web site to promote museums in Québec based on various themes.
- Montréal: Traces. Places. Memories.
- JavaScript - mobile Web ] A mobile Web site supporting the permanent exhibit at Centre d'histoire de Montréal.
- Dent ma région – Québec Remote & Rural Dentistry
- JavaScript - responsive Web design ] A web site to promote remote and rural dentistry.
- Centre d'innovation en formation infirmière
- JavaScript ] Researchers' profiles and continuing education activities in nursing.
- Élodil, a set of resources for teachers
- JavaScript - video ] A
site for teachers in multiethnic and multilingual environments.
- Researchers' Directory
- JavaScript ] A
multifaceted search engine for researchers at Université de Montréal.
- Canada Research Chair on Built Heritage
[ CSS - CMS - graphic design ] Online presence for a research group.
- À Contre-Courant
[ CSS - CMS - graphic design - responsive Web design ] A
Web site redesign for a swim club.
- Awards and Honours at École Polytechnique de Montréal
[ CMS - PHP - XML ] Awards and honours awarded to professors, researchers and students members of École Polytechnique de Montréal's community.
- Bio Québec Portal
[ databases - PHP - XML ] For a daily polaroid of Québec bio production.
- SMQ transactional portal
[ CRM - CSS - JavaScript/jQuery - PHP - SSL - Web services - databases - payment server ] A transactional site for membership and events at the SMQ.
- Mobile Web site - Quebec MobiCulte
[ CSS - JavaScript/jQuery - databases - geomatic - mobile Web ] A mobile site for discovering the rich religious heritage of Quebec near you.
- Le Simone
[ Graphic design- search engine optimization - CMS ] A small
site for a Bed & Breakfast in Montreal. Integrates a guided tour
and a dynamic section for frequently asked questions.
- Quebec inventory of religious places
[ CSS - JavaScript/jQuery - databases - geomatic ] Web redesign with the addition of new search features including geographical searches.
- International CURA Mental Health and Citizenship
[ CSS - CMS - graphic design ] Configuration
of a CMS to manage the Web site of a research center.
- École Polytechnique de Montréal Web portal templates
[ CSS - JavaScript/jQuery ] Web templates development for the 2011 redesign of École Polytechnique's Web site.
- Art pour tous
[ CSS - JavaScript/jQuery - XML - Flash - virtual exhibit ] Virtual exhibit that showcases the public art collection at Université de Montréal.
- Université de Montréal Dentistry Faculty
[ CSS - CMS - JavaScript/jQuery ] Configuration
of a CMS to manage Université de Montréal Dentistry Faculty website.
- UdeM Podioguide
[ CSS - Flash - XML ] Flash
presentation of content designed originally for podcasting together
with a keyed film video introduction.
- Dimension Plus, art gallery
[ CSS - JavaScript - PHP - database ] Site
redesign for an art gallery in Montreal with a catalog containing
thousands of pieces.
- Democracy in Montreal
from 1830 to the present
[ Flash
- CSS - JavaScript - graphic design - XML - virtual exhibit ] A
virtual exhibit built for the Section des Archives de la Ville
de Montréal and the Centre d’histoire de Montréal.
- Immigration-Québec
[ CSS - JavaScript - XML - PHP ] A large
multilingual site for those who want to immigrate in Québec.
- Acteurs de
notre histoire
[ CSS - XML - graphic design - virtual
exhibit ] A
small virtual exhibit for four key persons in Quebec history.
- Canadian
Historical Portraits
[ Flash -
CSS - JavaScript - XML - graphic design - virtual exhibit ] A
virtual exhibit showcasing Aegidius Fauteux’s collection featuring
portraits of important figures that have influenced Canadian history
between 1535 and 1940.
- De
la campagne à la ville...
[ Flash -
CSS - JavaScript - XML - graphic design - virtual exhibit ] A
virtual exhibit showcasing the pictures taken by Edgar Gariepy in
the first half of the 20th century.
- Expo
[ CSS - Flash - JavaScript - graphic design ] A
touch of nostalgia to commemorate Expo 67 in Montreal, 35 years later...